Yet another complaint against McDonald’s in the US . This time in the form of a letter from hundreds of health professionals asking that Ronald McDonald no longer be used as a tool to market junk food to children.
But one of the most interesting points in the letter is the comment that urges McDonalds to lead the way in affecting change in the industry. I agree. Because the business world needs leaders and challengers. Without them, businesses can justify irresponsible behaviour as ‘normal business practice’. And its ubiquity, especially in the absence of legal restrictions, can render it acceptable.
I tell my kids that sometimes the right thing to do, is the hard thing to do. This certainly holds true in business. I’ve argued in previous blogs ( and articles ( that just because a brand can, doesn’t mean it should. Sometimes not doing something, even if it’s going to make the business money, is actually the right thing to do.
This letter, joins the long line of other protests, requests and pleas – all increasing in desperation. And I truly despair that the growing tumult regarding data, statistics and professional insight around childhood obesity is still falling on deaf brands.
Brands may nod and appear to hear what’s being said. But in reality few actually listen. And even fewer pro-actively share the burden of collective responsibility.